Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Unclassified C.O. Rally

The Unclassified C.O. group has asked for me to pass the message along to all institutional locals, the Corrections Bargaining team and the EBM’s, that there is going to be a short rally at the Ontario Correctional College (Bell Cairn) on Friday September 26, 2008. Start time is at 1030. This location and date were chosen as the next class of newly trained unclassifieds are graduating on this day. Please share with your members. If no one from your local is able to attend please send your words of support and I will pass them along to the rally.

The purpose of the rally is to bring awareness and support to their unique issues. They are a growing group of officers who have been struggling to obtain full - time positions for far too many years. Come out and show your support.

In solidarity
Dan Sidsworth