The Corrections Bargaining Team and the MERC Team is sending out a joint message to all Locals.
By now must of us have read the opening positions at the bargaining table ( or have spoken with one of the bargaining team members. The employers list of concessions with no details or outline of their position as an opening proposal is simply no way to bargain.
If the Government is to bargain in good faith like Dwight Duncan said they were going too, then why not empower their bargaining team to really bargain.
The Corrections Bargaining Team has stated “We can expect that these takeaways will have a drastic effect on the working conditions and rights of our members.” We need to start this round of contract negotiations off on the right foot. This is not the right way to go about it. We need to send the right message to the right people.
As a first step the two teams are asking Locals and all members to not participate in the Deputy Minister Focus Groups. To be clear, cease and desist. We need to send a wake-up call to the Minister.
That message is we are serious about negotiating a new collective agreement and we are outraged at the employer’s proposals. WE will continue to support the members WE elected and are confident in their ability to represent us.
In addition each local president should express their concerns to their local management that if they wish to bargain in this manner, it will have direct impact in the workplace. Labour relations will be tested.
In Solidarity,
Dan Sidsworth