Friday, December 5, 2008


One of our members from Local 369 (CNCC) wrote this, please read…

• Elementary School teachers enjoy summers off.
• Elementary school teachers spend Christmas, march break and every weekend with their families
• Elementary School Teachers eat dinner with their families every night
• Elementary teachers enjoy high job satisfaction
• Elementary teachers have job security, and enjoy a safe work environment
• Elementary school teachers have what is highly regarded as the best pension plan
• Elementary school teachers currently have a deal on the table from our cash strapped government that will see their top rate of pay exceed $95,000 per year, almost a full $3000.00 a month more than us???

• Correction officers work shift work that has been proven to reduce life expectancy and greatly affect quality of life.
• Correction officers miss their children’s school plays and sporting events while they are working on weekends
• Correction officers work in a hostile environment where their safety could be at risk on a daily basis
• Correction officers don't eat dinner with their families every night
• Correction officers do not enjoy high job satisfaction
• Correction officers do not have a high end pension with a built in cost of living index
• Correction officers work family holidays and miss out on numerous important family outings
& gt;

So we die younger (not that our pension is that good anyway), work most holidays, don't get to eat dinner with our families, have a high stress job that places our personal safety on the line each day, yet we get paid $3000 dollars a MONTH less than elementary school teachers. Isn't there something wrong with this picture? This has nothing to do with the Elementary school teachers, they deserve everything they get. But so do we. Knowing the big picture, (shift work, weekends, holidays, pension, safety, job satisfaction etc.) I would still think it was unfair if we made $1000 a month less than them, and that would put us at $83,000 a year base.

If you need something else to think about, please remember that the majority of our members work in the GTA. This is supposed to be a profession that provides a fair standard of living. Anyone bought a house and put their kids in hockey in the GTA lately? Economic back drop aside, I think we are due.

Just my opinion.